Life on Mars
By: alan jacob
Posted on : February 9, 2011  Views : 299
Scientists believe that Mars may once have supported life. There are many factors and signs that the earth is not the only planet in the solar system that has created life. This is a fine very important because it shows that life is much more likely than in other solar systems as well.

The most striking evidence is there on earth. A meteorite that fell to Earth about 16 million years ago (long after the dinosaurs) was found. Within this meteorite fossils were found. Really small fossils, but no less fossil bacteria. However, this evidence questionable, since soil bacteria could have contaminated the rock, and the entry into Earth's atmosphere could have done small deeds. However, we found another rock that was analyzed with better tools.

This second rock fell on the ground for about thirteen thousand years. In this second rock found embedded beneath the surface and can be almost entirely positive that the entry into the Earth's atmosphere and not because it was once blue Mars not the cause.

As determined the surface and a few crystals of magnetite in the meteorite was the presence of bacteria. Many skeptics believe that this could be an element of the meteorite that was broken due to impact however, a quarter of the crystals contain traces of signs of life. Unfortunately we can not say at what time the meteorite was blasted off of Mars.

Many people wonder why only fossil bacteria are from Mars found on Earth, however, it should be noted that the vehicles we have in Mars is not the same incredibly advanced technology that we have on earth in the laboratory.

The biggest reason that Mars can support life is its magnetic field. Unlike Mars, Earth has a weak magnetic field that can not protect the surface of the radiation from its sun. However we found on the surface of Mars some bands that are strong evidence that Mars used to have a much stronger magnetic field strong enough even to protect life. Why the weak magnetic field is unknown but some scientist believe that Mars has no plate tectonics is the reason why the magnetic field is so weak.

We also found minerals that bloom at the same time in liquid water. We found some areas that have enough of this mineral to show that the water was there for long periods of time.