Information about Mobile application marketing
By: john milton
Posted on : October 10, 2010  Views : 332

The best way to stand unique in the competitive world is to create a mobile application that is unique. There are still thousands and thousands of mobile application that are uninspired. If you want to stick to this point then you have to make sure that you might be first developer in the category you are going to develop or reinvent the existing category with something unique.

In the history of mobile application only very few application are created in new categories. So unless you are building a new idea you will not be able to succeed in the competitive world. Look at your competitors and think something new to overcome them. Think what are the cool features that your competitor’s application is missing? Take advantage of it and build your application.

A unique feature in your mobile application will make it to stand a head taller in the never ending crowd. Think, plan and create an intention of creating your application unique. Analyze that you are merely trying to improve someone else’s idea. You can also try to mix some categories.

The success in mobile application lies in making people to talk about your application. The more people you talk about your mobile application the more exposure you will get. So if you create a unique application then you are half the way to success. This is because people will talk about your application just because it is unique.

But how can you make people talk about product or start a conversation on it? Try to make the conversation about the application very easy and engaging. Make it such a way that people like to tweet it. Tweeting is like trade marking your application. It tells how well your application is moving the in mobile world. The successful mobile applications are easily shared among the social media sites.

Even though your application is not gratifying or playfully entertaining you have a chance to compose a tweet that is highly tweetable. Just think what will you retweet yourself. Try to think that how can you sell your application in just 140 characters.

Try to good a copy and have a useful and attractive landing page. Try to find the beneficial reasons people can get from your mobile application. Try to create a memorable tagline.

The social media and the blog sphere are not separated from each other. Like the pond ripples the more people tweet your application the more likely your application will be.
