How to make your Girl Friend want you more.
By: robert osborn
Posted on : June 24, 2010  Views : 456
Believe it or not, as almost all, relationships can be salvaged. There are many reasons for this ..infidelity, lost passion, loss of interest, a stolen heart. Shake head in disbelief but there is hope. Couples meet every day, regardless of the situation.

The number one rule to make your Girl Friend want you more. is to stop letting her feel like she can have you whenever she feels like it. If she knows she can have you when she wants to, then why would she try to get back with you or even want you back? Think about it, girls want what they cannot have and if she knows she can have you whenever she feels like it then she will never want to get back with you.

Think about it as a formula: supply plus demand equals value. If something is scarce, less available, it has a higher demand and value. Women value what they have to work for. If something, like you, is scarce, then she will want it more. So for this situation, you need to increase your value to her but being scarce and creating demand. Start today; make yourself scarce by not calling her. Just leave her alone. She will only start wanting you more when she knows she cannot have you and other girls wants to be with you,less contact period always works like a charm.

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robert osborn is Relationship Advisor who writes only about the journeys he has taken. He writes at