Does It Really Matter If I Become A Vegetarian?
By: Md. Zaini Md. Said
Posted on : August 19, 2010  Views : 348

As a prospective vegetarian, you probably question

whether or not it really matters if you stop eating meat.

You might wonder how much of a difference one additional

vegetarian can make.

And while it might be true that one vegetarian wont make

huge statistical difference in a world of meat-eaters--

and while it is also true that one more vegetarian

probably isn't going to turn the tide in the movement--

you can do a lot as an individual that will be good for

you and good for hundreds of animals animals.

Take, for instance, the number one cause of death in the

United States and other countries with meat-centered

diets: heart disease.

If it weren’t specifically for meat, eggs, and dairy

products--which are the three largest sources of

cholesterol--heart attacks and other heart and circulatory

problems would be far less prevalent. According to

EarthSave, the average vegetarian has about 1/4 the chance

of having a heart attack as the average nonvegetarian. As

for people who are pure vegans, it gets even lower: they

have less than 1/10 the chance of having a heart attack

as nonvegetarians.

In addition to heart health, you will get a number of other

health benefits as a vegetarian. For instance, you wont be

exposed to nearly as many preservatives, which are common

in meat and are linked to cancer. You wont be exposed to

various hormones (that are packed into animal feed), which

often disrupt normal hormonal processes in the body. And

you wont consume as much lactose, which most people cannot

digest properly--and which some dietitians have suggested

is a cause of digestive problems.

In addition to health benefits you will receive as an

individual, you will also reduce your share of the

suffering human beings inflict on animals.