Office Furniture
By: Kunal tuli
Posted on : August 12, 2010  Views : 328
Change in an inevitable and immortal process. Nothing is constant in this world. Taking in context our work environment we experience a change every now and than .May it be people, furniture, ambience etc. With the flow of time, offices are no longer the simple monotonous and dull cabin with the four walls but they have transformed into beautiful, modular, multi functional work place. Stress and hypertensions at the work place leads to uncomfortable working environment around us. At durian we create a positive environment that encourages employees and employer alike to deliver their best. We Import and craft furniture with the objective of providing ergonomically designed, high quality products with BIFMA guidelines.

Our endeavor is to provide our customers with a comfortable work space to instill confidence and pride and the competence to stand the work pressure.