How to start your own Blog
By: morgan brown
Posted on : June 17, 2010  Views : 554
Internet Web blogs began in mid-1990. The term “web log” is commonly used to register a file server and then for the online journal. The word “blog” was then adopted to refer to personal diary. Today a blog is defined as an online publication where an author puts his thoughts and personal opinions of the most intimate to corporate ideas, concerns or events, in chronological order on the network.

types of blogs

There are many types of blogs online, but can be broadly divided into three types; Staff Bloggers, Bloggers organizational and business bloggers.

Organizational blogs are meant to facilitate communications between its internal and external audiences. They can also provide information for use by external audiences. Business blogs promote products or services for profit. In addition to raising awareness about the company, also established as an authority with customers, vendors, through publications that demonstrate their expertise and ability in the market.

What are the types of content that readers can find a blog for the distribution? The views of authors, ideas, knowledge in his field of work, curriculum vitae, and home recipes, photos, audio clips and video streaming, e-books, poetry, plays, products, consultations and services.
Why have blogs become very popular?

Too often websites are not updated regularly, while blogs have instant publishing tools which allow the author and new content updated regularly. The websites are usually impersonal, while blogs allow readers to leave comments and suggestions for two-way conversations with the author, who usually do the editing and can respond immediately to the readers. Blogs are also very efficient, inexpensive to use and can quickly distribute information. Blogging capabilities to reach and react instantly to a growing body of public enterprises have made use them as a strategic marketing tool.
Install your web hosting blog

As mentioned above, there are more than enough to blog communities in which you can get a free blog with designing templates and other benefits.

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