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Traffic Statistics in Cpanel

Date Added : February 9, 2011 | Views : 1113

cPanel provides you with all the stats your site need. So, to view these stats, first log in to your account. The cPanel central screen show up. Here, you will notice the basic information on your site's statistics like the bandwidth & disk usage. However, there is a more comprehensive list of your site's stats.

It is important to keep track of your net site traffic statistics, in the event you want to enhance your site to attract more people in the future. So that you know what to change, you'll need to know what works. It is close to impossible to progress in the event you don't know what the visitors are looking for on your site. When it comes to how to do this in cPanel, here are some simple steps.

On the main site, you should see a button called "Web/FTP Stats". Click on it, after you click on it, pick "awstats". Now you're able to see the stats for the traffic coming in to your site.

The stats are kept daily so that you see the results of the traffic coming in each day. They will show exactly how lots of people visited your site, what country they come from, how long they stopped at the page, the URLs that led these people to your site, what pages each visitor viewed, the browser & operating process that the viewer makes use of, the list of keywords the visitor typed in to see more pages on your site, & even more. Those are specific stats & can help you immensely in knowing what people want & what they look for.

Cpanel is one of the simplest, user-friendly control panels around. It makes viewing stats simple & usable.

It initially shows the statistics by numbers. What can help for a visual even more, is seeing the stats in graph form. This is feasible by clicking "Webalizer" on the statistics page. Another page will open that shows all of your information in charts & graphs. & in the event you desire to only see stats for the latest visitors, then the "Latest Visitors" link will direct you there.

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Article By: chris fogel

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