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Online Education in USA

Date Added : August 11, 2010 | Views : 570

The U.S. system of higher

education is unlike most others in that there is no national system. The states

license institutions, but they neither accredit nor guarantee the quality of

these schools. Instead, the system of accreditation is operated by private,

nonprofit organizations. Public, or state, universities typically enroll tens

of thousands of students and offer degrees in hundreds of subject areas. Large

public universities in the United States, also referred to as state

universities, are closely identified with and supported by the states in which

they are located. They produce the majority of graduate and professional

degrees in the country, as well as a significant number of undergraduate

degrees. Public universities play a critical role in regional economic,

cultural, and civic development, and many, such as the University of Minnesota,

are deeply involved in advancing knowledge and technology through research. The

level of research intensity varies greatly among state universities.

Competitive research grants and contracts awarded to the most prestigious

public universities typically amount to hundreds of millions of dollars each

year. There is also great variation in the level of support from the states.

State universities with large research budgets typically receive 10 to 30

percent of their budgets from the state in which they are located.


Article Source: http://www.articlesGiant.com
Article By: Kaushik Mitra

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