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How Male Hair Loss Is Treated

Date Added : August 1, 2010 | Views : 336

Millions of men all over the world are affected by baldness, and some of them are younger than twenty years of age. Although it is absolutely normal for all men to lose some hair, when this hair does not grow back and patches start appearing, then we can speak of baldness. This condition doesn't affect all men in the same way – some lose just a bit of hair, others all of it, and in extreme cases absolutely all bodily hair is lost. The most common is the first type, which is known as pattern baldness and affects males from 25 to 40 years of age.

Male pattern baldness is caused by the hormone Dihydrotestosterone, which is responsible for the shrinking of the hair follicles which in turn results in shorter hairs and weaker hair growth. With time, the follicles can get so much smaller that no hair grows at all - and this is when bald spots appear. Dihydrotestosterone is the result of the reaction involving 5-alpha reductase enzyme and testosterone.

Male pattern baldness does not affect one's health and can be left untreated if the man is at peace with his new appearance; still keep in mind that sudden loss of hair can indicate far more serious conditions, therefore in such cases medical help should be sought ASAP. Still, if you have been losing your hair little by little and start to see bald spots on your head, you may be interested in the available hair loss treatments.

Male pattern baldness is usually treated with synthetic medicines, but hair transplants are possible as well, often the drugs are used even after hair transplantation, in order to prevent further hair loss. Finasteride is one of the commonly used hair loss drugs today and is sold under the brand name Propecia or as generic Propecia; since they are chemically identical, there is absolutely no difference in their quality, but the generic Propecia is cheaper and easily available online. However, the pills should be taken after consulting a doctor only since like with most synthetic pills, side effects are possible.

Finasteride 5mg and Finasteride 1mg are the two dosages sold and the pill is taken once a day with a glass of water for as long as needed. The treatment is continuous and it might take a month or even longer for the first results to appear. Still, Finasteride has been subjected to numerous clinical studies, which have confirmed that in the majority of the cases men experience stop of hair loss and noticeable hair re-growth.

Since male pattern baldness is not a threat to one's health, you can choose not to treat it at all, but if you are conscious about your look and want to appear younger, then consult a physician and let him explain the possible treatments' pros and cons. Once you have been recommended finasteride, take the pills for as long as needed and sooner or later you will see how much of a difference this medication can make.

This review is written by a famous expert in male hair loss and general health. If you want to learn more about hair loss, Finasteride 5mg or Finasteride 1mg - visit his great health-related websites.

Article Source:
Article By: Blake K. Pitts

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